Individualized Feedback for Individual
Quality Improvement
Employees answering phones, installing services and responding to support issues are the embodiment of your brand. They are the physical basis customers use to define their experience and the satisfaction they have with the business. The challenge in further improving customer satisfaction in these key employee touch points is to immediately detect incorrect and suboptimal handling of customers, to correct staff deficiencies as they happen and to reinforce desired behavior before their next customer interaction.
SkyCreek Coach provides customer care managers with organization-wide insights to the quality of service delivered by their customer facing employees—by department/function, at specific customer touch points and by individual employee. It consolidates structured feedback data into employee and management level scorecards that quantify and visualize opportunities to elevate interaction performance, and improve overall customer experiences.
SkyCreek Coach reduces the entire view of the customer experience down to a single actionable view—from where to improve front-line experiences. It provides a direct, real-time service-improvement loop that continuously reinforces key service principles, offers employee-specific recommendations at different touch points and guides employee interactions according to defined standard operating procedures.
Coach was designed to support high-volume operations and can support organizations with hundreds of thousands of in-person locations and across hundreds of thousands of automated and manual support customer touch points.
Coach was developed working with several of the largest customer care operations in North America. It has shown to focus employee actions to where they will make the most impact on current experiences and long-term customer loyalty.
To learn more about SkyCreek Field Service solutions please contact our dedicated account management team.